[ASKKPOP] 'Superman is Back' families gather together for their one-year anniversary special

Special MCsYoon Jong Shin, Park Ji Yoon, andKARA'sHarawelcomed the families includingLee Hwi Jaeand his twinsSuh UnandSuh Joon,Choo Sarangand her momYano Shihowho came in the stead of husbandChoo Sung Hoonwho is busy training for his UFC match,TabloandHaru,Shooand her twinsRa HeeandRa Yool,Song Il Kookand his tripletsDae Han, Min Guk, andMan Se,Jang Yoon JungandDo Kyung Wanwith their sonYeon Woo, and special guest, Choo Sarang's boyfriendYuto!
The show's rep stated, "To return the support that the viewers have given us during the past year, we will look back on 'Superman is Back' and we've arranged a time for the 'Superman is Back' families to share their honest feelings which weren't able to be seen through the broadcast previously... As much as this will be the first time that all of the 'Superman is Back' guests will come together, a lot of unexpected things happened. We ask for the viewers' anticipation and interest for 'Superman is Back's 1st anniversary special which will touch hearts and bring laughs."
Stay tuned for this episode this Sunday!