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teaser, poster and stills for the upcoming Korean drama "Holy Land"

teaser, poster and stills for the upcoming Korean drama "Holy Land"

Added teaser, poster and stills for the upcoming Korean drama "Holy Land"

"Holy Land" (2012)

Directed byPark Ki-hyeong

Written by


WithDong Ho,Hoon,Joo Da-yeong,Seong Woong,Dong Hyun-bae,...

4 episodes
A TV movie about a homeless teen who wanders the streets and skips school but is able to redeem himself through the beauty of boxing.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2012/04/28

teaser, poster and stills for the upcoming Korean drama "Holy Land"

teaser, poster and stills for the upcoming Korean drama "Holy Land"

teaser, poster and stills for the upcoming Korean drama "Holy Land"


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