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"Answer to 1997" Lee Joo-yeon-I's TVfXQ fan club

"Answer to 1997" Lee Joo-yeon-I's TVfXQ fan club

"Answer to 1997"Lee Joo-yeon-Ibecame a member of the TVfXQ fan club.

On the final episode of the tvN drama "Respond 1997", Yoon Tae-woong (Song Jong-ho) went to a TVfXQ concert with his teaching assistants.

Yoon Tae-woong and the president of Cassiopeia were to hand over the tickets at the location and they met through the phone. The president was the doctor (Lee Joo-yeon-I) who operated on Yoon Tae-woong.

He ended up getting married with her. However, her love for TVfXQ didn't end. Presidential candidate Yoon Tae-woong's wifeLee Joo-yeon-Itraveled to Japan to see their concert and showed her deepest love for Cassoppeia.

Meanwhile, the drama ended with Seong Si-won's (Jung Eun-ji) husband being Yoon Yoon-je (Seo In-guk).

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