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episodes 36 and 37 captures for the Korean drama 'If Tomorrow Comes'

episodes 36 and 37 captures for the Korean drama 'If Tomorrow Comes'

Added episodes 36 and 37 captures for the Korean drama "If Tomorrow Comes" (2011)

Directed byJang Yong-woo

Written byKim Jeong-soo

Network : SBS

WithKo Doo-sim,Seo Woo,Ha Seok-jin,Kil Yong-woo,Kim Hye-seon,Im Hyeon-sik,...

Sat, Sun 20:40
"If Tomorrow Comes" is about the love and conflict between a mother and daughter.Seo Wootakes on the role of kind-hearted college girl Eun-chae, who thinks respecting your parents brings you happiness. The mother role will be played byKo Doo-sim.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2011/10/29

episodes 36 and 37 captures for the Korean drama 'If Tomorrow Comes'


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