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episodes 18 and 19 captures for the Korean drama 'The Great King's Dream'

episodes 18 and 19 captures for the Korean drama 'The Great King's Dream'

Added episodes 18 and 19 captures for the Korean drama "The Great King's Dream" (2012)

Directed byShin Chang-seok

Written byYoo Dong-yoon

Network : KBS

WithChoi Soo-jong,Park Joo-mi,Hong Eun-hee,Choi Cheol-ho, Lina,Kim Ha-gyoon,...

80 episodes - Sat, Sun 21:40
Previously known as "King Taejong Muyeol" (태종무열왕, Tae-jong-moo-yeol-wang)
A drama about the heroes of the time and Kim Yoo-sin as well as Kim Chun-chu who allied with the Tang Dynasty to destroy the Baekjae and create the Golden days of the national culture.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2012/09/08

episodes 18 and 19 captures for the Korean drama 'The Great King's Dream'


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