episode 5 and 6 captures for the Korean drama 'The Great King's Dream'
Added episode 5 and 6 captures for the Korean drama "The Great King's Dream" (2012)
Directed byShin Chang-seok
Written byYoo Dong-yoon
Network : KBS
WithChoi Soo-jong,Park Joo-mi,Choi Cheol-ho,Lina,Kim Ha-gyoon,Kim Yoo-seok,...
80 episodes - Sat, Sun 21:40
Previously known as "King Taejong Muyeol" (태종무열왕, Tae-jong-moo-yeol-wang)
A drama about the heroes of the time and Kim Yoo-sin as well as Kim Chun-chu who allied with the Tang Dynasty to destroy the Baekjae and create the Golden days of the national culture.
Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2012/09/08
Source from :www.hancinema.net