[ASKKPOP] ZE:A's Lee Hoo (Junyoung) starts tweeting mysterious messages again as he counts down to 10/21
Last month, he had threatened to expose the secrets of the agency and the agency CEO before he decided to hold his silence having reached an agreement with the CEO with a heartfelt talk. He had said that they had reached a peace for the time being, and that an agreement was made so that ZE:A would be running Star Empire as they split their earnings 7:3, with 7 going to the members and 3 going to the CEO.
However, Lee Hoo has now returned to twitter once again to count down to the date of October 21. His omnious posts indicate that he may have decided to release these 'secret documents' that he threatened to release last time on this new date.
His first tweet in a month read,"D-7, 10/21, after [play on his name 'Lee Hoo'] 9/21".He soon followed up with the image seen above and wrote,"Don't believe everything you see. Don't believe it. D-7 #ZEA #moonjunyoung #leehoo #september21 #since_it's_october_let's_say_things_honestly #october21"
The image released seems to be his income statement (although perhaps not a formally submitted one since it is lacking signatures and other official documentation), which reveals that he received a total of 33,437,892 KRW (~ 31,377 USD) for the year of 2013. The company listed up at the top is Star Empire and Lee Hoo's former name 'Moon Junyoung' is also seen. The other columns show the tax that's to be deducted.
After tweeting his income statement, he deleted his post like he has been known to do several times before, and followed up by retweeting a few fans instead.
One fan that he retweeted had stated,"So if you take out the tax from the 33 million KRW that was received, then that's about 3.2 million KRW. If you then proportion that 1/n (number of members) then that means the income is around 290,000 KRW (~ 272 USD). Everyone, Star Empire is just too much".
Since he has mentioned D-7 and the date of October 21, it seems Lee Hoo has much more to share with us until then, so stay tuned for any updates regarding this developing situation.
[Update] - After deleting his income statement, Lee Hoo has now deleted or un-retweeted the fan who had mentioned the income distribution.