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Yoo Seung-ho left in secret

Yoo Seung-ho left in secret

There was a reason why our little brother,Yoo Seung-howent off to the military in secret. He didn't want to cause other soldiers any trouble.

Yoo Seung-howas admitted to the 102 training camp in Chuncheon. Previously,Yoo Seung-ho's video and news of his absence was posted on his fan café, "TALK TO U" but it was only after he had left when his fans saw this.

Yoo Seung-hosaid in his video, "Hello, I am going to the military on the 5th of March. I am saying goodbye to you in this video".

There was a reason why it was only put up when he joined the camp.

He left another note in the fan café saying, "I will be gone by the time you read this. I am sorry I didn't let you know when I was going away, but I thought going away quietly would save me and others some trouble".

Therefore, his military absence was done in top secret and the media only learnt about it in the afternoon.

It's a bit sudden for the fans, butYoo Seung-hosays, "Many wonder if I am leaving too soon, but it's only right for me to be doing this at my age and it's something I really wanted to do. I thought about doing something else after working for 10 years in acting and getting stressed and I think this would be a new experience for me".

When news of him 'going away' surfaced, singerLee Jeongsaid, "Yoo Seung-hois awesome. Take care and you will learn a lot from the new environment".

Netizens say, "He's so cool", "The fans might be shocked more than I am but we can see him 2 years later", "He's so thoughtful in everything he does" and more.

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