Yoo Ah In bickers with viewers of 'Jang Ok Jung, Living in Love' in a drunken state

From the start, the drama had suffered low ratings and had been criticized forfloppingback and forth on its views as a 'fusionhistorialdrama' and switching up what has been recorded down as history. It came to an end on Tuesday, and to commemorate the conclusion, the actor tweeted a photo of the cast and crew of the drama with thecaption"Bye!". However, he didn't stop there as he started to pour out his thoughts, after having a few drinks.
He wrote,"Is history not something recorded down by those who saw themselves better than everyone else as they fabricated things even with everyone watching and as they denied what happened just yesterday. It's notfiltering, but something that is crammed through historical dramas and learned that way. It's a nose ring when it goes on the nose. This is the value of having a different thought just once."
"Is what we twisted the truth, or just a stereotype? Who can be so sure? It might not have been accurate, but it was a view thatwasjust a little different. I was happy to act out a completely new Suk Jong in that value. Let's meet again. Again, goodbye? ^^ Kya~", he added.
Hecontinued, "I don't have the answer, either. It's the same as right now as all of you interpret my text of 130 characters differently. It's fun. The truth, sincerity, belief, and value", and finally wrote, "Today, itself. We're going on being fooled by the record, the text...Heh. I don't know, I'm drunk."
But his bursts of drunken tweets must have roused up some of his followers and viewers of the show, because soon after, the actor started to tweet up a storm again in response to the mentions he received. He said, "No matter what we do, history is exaggerated and twisted. Is it the end when we just believe the way that fits what we want, in our own filter, when we pick something that seems to be the best?Haha. Look at our neighboring countries, and as well as our beliefs. It's crap."
He keptgoing, "In the end, you'll believe what you want. We're all weak people. Tonight, I've got a lot of thoughts, I've said a lot, and I've intruded a lot. Both you and I are just getting in each other's way. We're starved for attention, we're addicted to revealing ourselves, and we're lonely. And our arrogance that we can change things. I'm going to stop. Bye!Keke".
However, it seems in his intoxicated state, he couldn't control himself from returning again to personally call out those who had responded to his tweets, frustrated with his quick dismissal of history. Hereplied to one individual, "Kekeke. How much more [should I explain myself]? Are you dyslexic?"and to another individual, "So many people are dyslexic. I didn't say it [history] was the record of the winners.Ke. Maybe I should tweet in English, since you don't seem to understand Korean."
At this point, fans who had been watching the exchange started to get worried as theypleaded, "Oppa, please tweet again when you're clear-headed", and "You seem like you're really drunk, please don't say things you may regret when you get sober".
He endedwith, "You doubt and attack others, yet you don't doubt what you believe at all. Hey, I was first brainwashed with the [original] Jang Hee Bin, too. Not from a documentary, but a drama. Shameful? Your blades without faces are even more shameful. Does this feel good? My blade?",and"Out ofHangyeoreand Chosun Ilbo [both news media outlets], what will we remember as truth? I don't know what the truth is. I just can't believe people are telling me I'm speaking ill of the Chosun kings when I say let's be open minded about recorded history. Incredible reading disabilities. Making good things bad and bad things even worse."He finally stopped tweeting after one more statement,"Youwritingme. Me writing you. The end."
What do you think about the way he handled this matter?