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Yang Hyun Suk reveals his thoughts about Psy’s upcoming song “Gentleman”

Yang Hyun Suk reveals his thoughts about Psy’s upcoming song “Gentleman”

Yang Hyun Sukhas already listened toPsy‘s highly anticipated single “Gentleman“ before anyone else in the world and cautiously revealed his own feelings about it.

Yang Hyun Suk shared,” As of right now, all I can say is that I have a really good feeling about it. The choice, however, always belongs to the public. We’re just people who always try our best to accurately follow the likings and trends of the public.Psydefinitely worked really hard to record during these past couple of months. I felt sorry and concerned forPsyas I observed him consistently pulling all-nighters at the YGE headquarters during the past month or so.”

Psyand I aren’t the best but we do our best. It is especially the producers’ goal to create a concert that rises beyond expectations for the audience who paid with their own money for the tickets,”he added. What is interesting to note is that Yang Hyun Suk also revealed that he had really good feelings about ‘Gangnam Style’ as well, which you all know took the world by storm, so we’ll have to see whether his good feelings this time around will lead to massive success again!

Psywill unveil his new single “Gentleman” for the first time at his upcoming ‘HAPPENING‘ concert on the 13th for all the lucky fans who will be attending!