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Who is the biggest money maker in each idol group?

Who is the biggest money maker in each idol group?

The biggest money makers in each idol group have become a hot issue.

Jewelry‘sYewonrevealed that she makes the most money in the group. She said, “I make the most money recently. But even then, I don’t make that much.

SECRETrevealed thatSunhwamakes the most money, followed byJieun. The group used to split their profits equally no matter the solo activities but they’ve started to take their own solo activity profit 2 years after their debut. Jieun receives a little extra from album sales compared to the other members because she also participates in the background chorus.

UEEalso revealed that she is the biggest money maker inAfter School, saying, “We’re getting some reactions from our Japanese promotions. I’m 1st by quite a bit.” UEE had been active in many activities, including dramas such as ‘You’re Beautiful‘, ‘Queen Seonduk‘, ‘Ojakgyo Brothers‘, ‘Birdie Buddy‘ and is currently working on ‘Jeon Woo Chi‘. She had revealed that at one point she made 10 times more than the poorest member in After School.

Super Junioralso choseSiwonas the richest member.Kyuhyunsaid, “He’s #1 in his household, income, face and height.Leeteukalso revealed, “Last year, I realized I was doing 8 programs. I hoped that I could be first, but I wasn’t. Siwon was first.Eunhyukadded, “No matter how much we make, it’s less than what Siwon originally had.

Girls’ Generation‘s biggest money maker isYoonA.Tiffanyrevealed, “Honestly, YoonA is #1. Right now, YoonA makes the most, but we’re doing ‘TaeTiSeo‘ promotions, so I’m looking forward to my income increasing.

SISTARrevealed thatHyorinmade the most money. Their music and variety profits were split equally amongst all members, but drama profits were given only to the featured members.

Lis #1 for income inINFINITE.Woohyunsaid, ”L is famous for being the member that buys the staff the most with his #1 income.” However, L said humbly, “I believe that you should give as much as you make for it to come back. However, even though I’m 1st, the difference is only about 10,000 KRW (approximately $9 USD).