Weekly Recap - Breast Exposure, Male Group comebacks, and more
Summer is such a nice change of pace. Whereas you plan your weeks according to classes and events during the school year, you learn to take each day as it comes in the summertime. It's only appropriate, and besides, I don't think it could be done any other way.
The spontaneity and foolish misunderstanding that we'll stay this careless for years to come are only some of the perks - add in the unbearable humidity, car seats that scorch the back of your thighs, and mosquito bites that make you look diseased, and you're golden.
It physically pains me to have to acknowledge that we're well over halfway through the summer. Time's moving by too fast - but hey, that always seems to be the case as the world becomes more and more connected.
The K-pop landscape was as restless this week as it usually tends to be, with a couple of new MV releases and flying accusations of all shapes and sizes demanding our attention. So enough with the formalities and onward with the highlights of the week!
EXO (finally) release the drama version MV for "Wolf"!
EXOreleased the long-awaited drama version MV for "Wolf" featuringLuhanas the main character. The MV was fine - you know, considering the six and a half casual weeks we had to wait before the release. The 3:37 MV ends with a cryptic"To be continued...",so here's hoping that the follow-up adds a bit more substance to the story line.
INFINITE makes a comeback with single album + MV for "Destiny"
No,INFINITE, you guys aremydestiny... Uh. anyways, INFINITE's MV for "Destiny", in addition to their single album release, have been sending many a Inspirits' hearts aflutter. "Destiny" signals the first time since their debut that INFINITE has worked with someone other thanSweetunefor their title track. Given they worked with duoRphabetthis time around, I was apprehensive as to how they would manage to keep to their signature sound. It turns out that the song is not only characteristic of what we know and love from INFINITE, but it also has a nostalgic value that reminds us of the group's edginess prior to"Man in Love".
B.A.P unleashes MV for second title track "Hurricane"
B.A.Preturned to fans once again with their 2nd title song"Hurricane". The boys play with a completely different mood for "Hurricane", putting the solemnity of their first title track"Coffee Shop"into perspective. Shot in Las Vegas, the MV feels like a whirlwind filled with flashy lights, gold suits, and sleek cars. Me gusta, mucho sans the"Loofis on Fire"bit.
Kim Hyun Joong pre-releases "Unbreakable" (ft. Jay Park) MV
Come to think of it, this week was chock full of new MV releases by male artists, not that I'm complaining.Kim Hyun Joongcollaborated withJay Parkfor his pre-released track, "Unbreakable", making the buzz surrounding his comeback all the more hyped up. It's kind of strange seeing him this way with tattoos and muscles after picturing him as a flower boy when he was actively promoting as a member inSS501and acting as an F4 member in 'Boys Over Flowers'.
B2ST comes out of the "Shadow" with MV + album release
B2STfinally unveiled the MV for their title track,"Shadow", along with their album 'Hard to Love, How to Love'! For their new set of promotions, the boys have taken on a darker theme that's not very characteristic of this otherwise lively group. But as it turns out, the tone shift is a pleasant surprise because of how well they pull it off without it seeming awkward or forced in any way. The darker concept works in their favor to elicit a more eery and haunting atmosphere in their "Shadow" MV. But more so thanhow wellthey execute their new image on screen, it's reassuring to know that theycan.
Did Roy Kim plagiarize 'Spring Spring Spring' from Acoustic Rain's 'Love is Canon'?
Acoustic Rain's 'Love is Canon'
Roy Kimhas come under fire for another plagiarism controversy surrounding"Spring Spring Spring".Heapologizedfor the trouble he'd caused during his speech after he received the '20's Booming Star' award at the 'Mnet 20's Choice Awards'. He said,"Lately, I've troubled and worried many people My heart is heavy, as well. I'm sorry. But I'll take this award to mean that I'll work even harder sincerely and more modestly."
Roy Kim's agency has stated,"This is an original song that was co-composed by Roy Kim and Bae Young Kyung, and arranged by Jung Ji Chan and Kim Sung Yoon. All of the composers and arrangers that participated in this song have never listened to Acoustic Rain's 'Love is Canon'. Prior to the controversy, we never knew about the singer's name and song. If we did, we would've checked first."
My Take:I don't know - the similarity between the two tracks is a bit too close for comfort. But granted, Roy Kim is still a newcomer to the K-pop scene so let's just hope he remembers this recent plagiarism episode for future reference.
Male idol group member 'A' spotted at a gay bar in Thailand

According to an article byStar Daily News, popular male idol group member 'A' was spoted at a gay bar in Thailand. A club-goer spotted the K-pop idol at the bar and took several photos that have been making their way around the cybersphere. However, some users have pointed out that it's not really a big deal, given how gay bar cabaret performances are part of the nightlife in Thailand.
Many netizens believe that member 'A' is2AM'sJo Kwon.
My take:What if it is? Um, who cares?! Even if he just so happens to be gay, or he was simply visiting the gay bar to get a taste of the renown cabaret performances, I hardly think this is something to lose sleep over. While it's true that being gay (especially relevant to celebrities) is something of a taboo in Korea, there's nothing in the photo that suggests anything other than the fact that he was there.
His preferences and what he does in his own private time are strictly his own choices and we don't have any kind of authority to snicker or point fingers. Embrace not disgrace.
SM Entertainment clarifies Sulli's cursing in Chinese during recent 'Running Man' episode
SM Entertainmentcame forward after a clip off(x)'sSullicursing in Chinese during last week's episode of'Running Man'made its way through internet circles. While watching the game from the bleachers above, Sulli can be heard quietly saying"cao ni ma",a phrase similar to"you m*therf*cker"in English.
"While discussing the Chinese language with the staff members, the topic turned to Chinese curse words,"SM Entertainment explained."We think that the words accidentally came out on broadcast without being edited."
My Take:In my humble opinion, I must say... I don't get it. So she cursed - is that so groundbreaking? Is it something we didn't already know goes on off-camera? Imagine someone accidentally slams the door on your fingers: I hardly think you're going to stand there with a grin on your face saying,"Oh shucks, that really hurt!"I'm willing to bet that you'd be stringing together a few of your choicest words from your sailor language dictionary.

Upon completion of their investigation into the issues raised regarding celebrity recruits in the military, theMinistry of Defenseannounced their decision to abolish the celebrity recruit department 16 years after its inception.
When asked what prompted this decision, the representative said,"The promotional support brigade was set up to promote the military and raise the morale of soldiers, but due to the unpleasant issues that have occurred, the military's image has only been tarnished... It has also brought down the morale of other soldiers who have been diligently serving... As the purpose of the celebrity soldier branch is to promote the military, the public's faith is important, but due to various problems, we have only lost the public's faith."
As for the punishment of celebrity soldiers they've found to have performed questionable acts, the Ministry of Defense revealed that 8 will be receiving punishment following the regulations laid out in their department. All 15 celebrity soldiers in the current 'promotional support brigade' will be reassigned to different units on August 1st.
My Take:Though it took them 16 years to realize how inherently pointless the system was, I'm relieved that the Ministry has finally abolished the celebrity recruit department. It never made sense to begin with - just because you're a celebrity, your duties as a solider become significantly less stringent? How does that make sense? Celebrities are by no means entitled to any kind of special treatment because of what they do, and frankly, the logic behind the 'promotional support brigade' is as medieval as it is skewed. And even though it is 16 years late, the decision to get rid of the lame excuse for military service pulled through.
Apparently not, guys. ActressYeo Min Jungspoke up against the accusations that she purposely engineered her controversial wardrobe malfunction at the 'Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival'. In a phone call with media outlet Sports Seoul, she said,"I meant to reveal my thong, but the breast exposure wasn't on purpose. From that morning that dress had been problematic. When I was walking the red carpet, I heard a snap so I grabbed the string, but when I did that it became even more undone. People are saying I did it on purpose, but it wasn't."
My Take:Ohhhhhh, alright. So shemeantto reveal her thong but not her breast (because that makes it so much better). If she wanted the attention, she should've just worn a hooded cloak over her dress. I almost guarantee she would've received more explosive media curiosity, and as a added bonus, she would've had the benefit of the doubt as opposed to fiery accusations being thrown at hernippleface.

Well, I think that just about does it for the week, guys! Have a marvelous weekend and I'll see you guys next time.