'WIN', YGE's survival program between the two new boy groups, to start airing next week!

For those anxiously awaiting the new boy groups fromYG Entertainment, there's some exciting news in store! The program has confirmed an airing date and it's coming up rather soon, August 23 to be exact.
As mentioned before, the program will be called 'WIN' ('Who Is Next?') and it'll be of a survival program format plotting team A and team B against one another.
Team A has an average age of 20, and includes familiar faces likeKang Seung Yoonas well as 'K-Pop Star'sLee Seung Hoonand three others, for a total of 5 members. Team B has an average age of 17 and includes members likeB.I, who was the child rapper featured inMC Mong's "Indian Boy", 'K-Pop Star' contestantGoo Jun Hwae, and 4 others, for a total of 6 members.
For the theme song of the survival program, the intro portion ofG-Dragon's new song "Shake Up the World" will be used. The idol himself as well asTaeyangwill be participating in the battle process to help out theirhoobaesas well.
The press conference regarding the show will be held on the 20th byYang Hyun Suk, who will reveal plans for the program as well as revealing details about how it will proceed. The members of Team A and Team B will also be revealed to the public for the first time at this event, so you won't want to miss out!
'WIN' will be made up of 10 episodes and it will air throughMnetandtvNstarting on the 23rd at 10PM KST.
[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]