VIXX' Ken receiving attention for comment about his fans

VIXX'Kenis receiving some heated attention for his comment about his fans.
A short video clip was recently shared online with a title, "Reason why you can't stop being a VIXX' fan" which showed Ken andNtalking about their fans on a cable TV program.
In the video, N is seen asking Ken, "Ken! What are you going to do if the fans switch to another group?" To which Ken jokingly replied, "If they change their mind, I'll hit their head".
After seeing the clip, the netizens have been commenting, "They're just rookies and they're already like this", "VIXX' Ken is thoughtless", and "VIXX fans can't quit because they must be scared."
However, some other netizens have also accused of this being media play because VIXX is set to return soon with their repackaged album.
What do you think about Ken's comment? Was he being too careless with his choice of words, or is it something that people should just laugh off?
If you haven't seen the clip, you can view it below starting at 0:36 below.
Source & Picture: Star Today viaNate