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Trailer released for the Korean drama 'Drama Special - Finding Argenta'

Trailer released for the Korean drama 'Drama Special - Finding Argenta'

Trailer released for the upcoming Korean drama "Drama Special - Finding Argenta"

"Drama Special - Finding Argenta" (2015)

Directed byKim Jeong-hyeon-I

Written byLee Min-jae

Network : KBS

WithLee Soo-kyeong-I,Kim Hee-jeong,Hwang Se-on,Lee Jae-yong-I,Lee Hyeon-kyeong,Choi Woong-I,...

1 episode - Fri 22:50
Part of the "Drama Special" series
A success story about a man who was expected to be a rising marathon athlete but suffers from injuries and goes through the slumps, resulting in extreme behaviors.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2015/08/21

Trailer released for the Korean drama 'Drama Special - Finding Argenta'

Trailer released for the Korean drama 'Drama Special - Finding Argenta'

Trailer released for the Korean drama 'Drama Special - Finding Argenta'

Trailer released for the Korean drama 'Drama Special - Finding Argenta'

Trailer released for the Korean drama 'Drama Special - Finding Argenta'

Trailer released for the Korean drama 'Drama Special - Finding Argenta'

Trailer released for the Korean drama 'Drama Special - Finding Argenta'

Source from :Hancinema