[ASKKPOP] Taylor Swift called out for allegedly copying 2NE1's 'Come Back Home' MV

In the midst of theNicki Minajonline feud, American pop starletTaylor Swiftwas called out by one indignantBlackjackwho thought that there were one too many similarities between the singer's "Bad Blood" MV and2NE1's "Come Back Home" MV.
Both MVs were filmed with a 'futuristic' concept, with costumes and props that appear eerily similar if placed side by side. The fan had uploaded several screenshots from both MVs, putting them right next to each other in the hopes that other people may see the likeness as well.
Several people had added their own two cents on the issue, including one user who commented,"I came here because so many comments on taylor swift's bad blood mv said that her video looks like 2ne1 come back home mv, and yes I found taylor's mv is similar to this one. btw this song is cool haha."
In any case, it appears the controversy is helping in that new fans are discovering 2NE1.YouTubecomments include, "nicki and taylor's issue brought me here...2ne1 is slayin.", "Taylor Swift's "Bad Blood" is definitely a copycat of this video I don't even know this group but their song is addictive as hell I love it! I hate when artist get ripped off shame on you Taylor well your director [sic]", "i dont know anything bout kpop but this song is rly good!!! +came here for the tswift shade and i have to say she copied almost everything from this vid. she needs to at the least credit them [sic]", "i came here for taylor swift shade and i don't know anything about kpop but this song is dope af", and more.
What do you think? Is this plagiarism or nah?
@NICKIMINAJcan we talk about how taylor's video isn't original and was copied from a group of four WOC, 2NE1pic.twitter.com/LPtJzBHvAD
— tay (@chaelinfenty)July 21, 2015