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T-ara’s Hyomin writes a letter to fans

T-ara’s Hyomin writes a letter to fans

Hyominattempted her best at writing a letter to her fans which was shared onT-ara‘sofficialme2day.

The letter was sweet enough to begin with, but she added her own quirkiness to it – not that she had any intention to. She wrote the letter on the way to the airport tostart her filmingfor her movie ‘Jinx‘, and she took note that the car was shaking incredibly badly. She tried to be careful while writing her letter, but in the end the car took her by absolutely surprise at one point, causing her to jerk her pen violently when she was almost done. She complained cutely that the car was almost like a massage chair, and pouted as best as she could through words on paper.

She also regretfully admitted that she had to buy the other members delicious food because she could not participate in the “Bunny Stylepromotions. Her full letter reads,

A hand letter that I’m writing to Queens ♥

Everyone, it’s been a while…. It’s your Hyomin~

I’m on my way to the airport… the car is shaking a lot.. This is a hard level… I’m going to be in Fukuoka until mid March to film my movie from today..! The movie… I’m going to finish it in a cool manner!!

You have to be healthy while I’m not here.. Even if you miss me, bear it for a bit… Heh. Also! Please show us a lot of support for the Japanese “Bunny Style” promotions that will start on the 20th. I can’t participate in the promotions this time around, so the members have to do my part too… For those members, I have to work even~ harder… And I also have to buy them delicious food… Hehe kekeke

Anyway! Everyone, wait for just a little bit! We’re going to comeback after doing well ^^* And… This is a secret, but.. There’s also going to be good news(?) when we come back~ hehehe… You’re curious, right? Hehehe. -> Gasp.. The car is shaking too much… Ah… T^T

I guess this is the limit. The car is almost like a massage chair… Everyone!! I’m going go to now… Even though it’s disappointing.. Until we see each other again… Be happy ^_^♥

She also seems to be hinting at an upcoming Korean comeback in the letter, are you excited?

T-ara’s Hyomin writes a letter to fans

[Thanks to everyone who sent in this tip!]