Super Junior members rank Eunhyuk last in terms of looks on ‘Weekly Idol’
Super Juniormembers once again ranked each other in terms of appearance and as usual the members decided to jokingly pick onEunhyuk!
The members were asked to rank themselves during the recent filming ofMBC every1‘s ‘Weekly Idol‘, bringing about laughter on the set.
Kyuhyunstepped forward to say, “I’ll rank according to the eyes of the ordinary people.” He then started to rank each member’s looks based on the public’s image the members with Eunhyuk coming in last on Kyuhyun’s list.
Shocked that he was ranked lower thanShindong, Eunhyuk vehemently opposed the ranking. However, the other members also told him he must accept the rankings, and thus, he had to settle as last place in terms of looks within Super Junior. However, the other members tried to make him feel better by telling him, “Eunhyuk is the last in terms of his face, but his charms rank 1st.”
The full results of their self-ranking will be revealed on the 19th’s episode at 6 PM!