[ASKKPOP] Super Junior's Ryeowook joins the lineup for musical 'AGATHA'

Ryeowook, will joinJoo Jong Hyuk(RyanfromParan), and musical actorsJung Won YoungandPark Han Geunto play the role of Raymond, who is the neighbor of protagonist Agatha Christie and dreams of becoming a mystery novelist but becomes embroiled in a plagiarism dispute.Choi Jung WonandLee Hye Kyungwill also play the role of novelist Agatha Christie.Kang Pil Suk, Kim Jae Bum, andYoon Hyung Ryulwill play Agatha's love interest Roy. The musical is also receiving attention for having 'Dancing 9' masterWoo Hyun Youngas its choreographer.
'AGATHA' will open its curtains at Hongik Art Center, Seoul on February 11!