[ASKKPOP] Stellar's Minhee and Hello Venus' Alice engage in a hilarious diss battle on 'Secret Weapon'

Sparks were flying in the 'rap battle' betweenStellar'sMinheeandHello Venus'sAliceon the July 17 airing of 'Secret Weapon'. The object was of course to fluster each other as much as possible with their raps, and the two tried their best. Mind you, this is no 'Show Me the Money' or 'Unpretty Rapstar', but nevertheless it proved to be a hilarious diss battle!
On the broadcast, the two idols butted heads in a segment called 'pretty rapstar one-on-on rap battle,' and roasted each other with words that will leave you laughing!
Minhee proceeded to diss Alice by cleverly tying in the titles of Hello Venus songs. She started off, "You guys are not Venus. Stellar was the one crafted by the gods. You are losers. The 'Sticky Sticky' 'Wiggle Wiggle' in my eyes all 'Niggle Niggle' (taken from a 'Gag Concert' sketch), the artist takes after their song titles, so hello Alice 'Where Are You Now'? Do you think you're pretty? No you're not pretty. I will say it cautiously, there is no novelty, it's the 'Same,' 'Again', I keep asking, 'What Are You Doing Today?'"
Alice on the other hand decided her best tactic was to compare Stellar to the popular chocolate hazelnut spread 'Nutella', as Stellar's name in Korean is pronounced 'Stella', which makes it rhyme with 'Nutella'.
Alice, who proved that rapping isn't her forte, hilariously began, "Listen up. You've made me angry. I will bite you off. Everybody listen up! Stella? I'm suddenly craving 'Nutella,' you know 'Nutella'? 'Nutella' is really famous, don't you know? Are you more famous than 'Nutella?' 'Nutella' is way more famous." making the entire studio burst into laughter (including Minhee) with her cheesy lines.
Alice continued,"There's still a lot left so listen. Don't call yourselves the military president [popular with military men]. That's no no! Because that was just a second of issue [popularity], oh I'm sorry did I just push at your soft spot? Wipe your tears, here's a tissue. You don't like me talking this way? Then just get married. I know this is so cheesy, but what can you do, this is my charm. I'll stop now, but this is the highlight, so listen up! I'll go home and watch 'Interstella(r)', while eating my bread spread with 'Nutella'!"
The rap battle starts around the 14:22 mark in the clip so watch if for yourself!