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Siwan admits that his profile height is not his real height

Siwan admits that his profile height is not his real height

ZE:A‘sSiwanbrought laughter by keeping silent on the issue of his real height on ‘Weekly Idol‘.

ZE:A was a guest on a recent recording ofMBC Every1‘s ‘Weekly Idol’. During the segment ‘Profile Checking Time‘, the ZE:A members had to prove their numbers on their profiles because most celebrities’ actual height and weight are different from what is listed.

Siwan was the first to speak up and confess, “My profile height and actual heigh are different.” When he revealed this, MCsJung Hyung DonandDefconntried to measure his actual height, but Siwan firmly kept his real height a secret. The three kept arguing over Siwan’s height for a long time until Siwan finally said, “If you let this go, I’ll buy you food“, and ended the situation with laughter.

The episode will be airing on October 17th.