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[ASKKPOP] Shoo updates fans with photos taken with her husband and three children

FormerS.E.SmemberShooupdated fans with photos of her lovely family!

The former idol star is now the mother of three kids. She recently shared on her personal blog, "Time for myself after putting the kids to sleep. As I was organizing photos, these photos [came up]... One day, I ended up sleeping with three kids in one room. Our house is on the level of a kids' cafe. We have not just two times the amount of toys but three, and we have so many clothes."

"Aren't there products for twins? I have confidence in my hip strength... I am looking into how I can hold the two of them by myself...Whenever I look at pregnant women, I want to get pregnant again... Children are just pretty."

Shoo recently gave birth to twins last July. The big family, including her husbandLim Hyo Sung, look happy as can be as they take a stroll outside.