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[ASKKPOP] SHINee's Jonghyun speaks out against comments labeling him a misogynist

The more popular you become, the more you have to watch your every move and word, as every little thing you do will be over-analyzed and dissected by the public. Such was the case forSHINee'sJonghyun, whose recent remarks onMBC's radio show 'Blue Night' for which he is currently the DJ, was turned into a controversy. 

His comments, which some felt were mysogynistic, were brought to attention when a netizen 'A' uploaded captures of the conversation that progressed with Jonghyun, alongwith the words, "This is the feedback I gave about the issue I raised towards Kim Jonghyun." 

'A' had called out Jonghyun regarding the conversation the idol had withDear Cloud'sNine9on his radio program, during which he said, "Women's existence is a blessed one. I think the existence that gives artists the greatest inspiration are women. They're the ones who inspire poets to write poems, artists to draw, and singers to sing. "  

In response to what Jonghyun said, 'A' mentioned Jonghyun on Twitter by commenting, "Hello Jonghyun-nim. There is a fine line between female worship and female hate. Women are not the objects of protection and worship but self-reliant beings that can write poems, draw pictures, and sings songs."

Jonghyun, who read 'A's message sent a personal message to 'A' saying, "I'm head of the household of a family with a mother and an older sister, and I love and respect all women including my mother and sister who are my life's purpose." The singer also wrote, "I don't think there is a difference between woman and man," and asked, "What part of the conversation that was exchanged today most offended you?"

'A' replied, "That you view women as a 'blessed existence' tells me that you don't treat them as equals," and pointed out "What you said regarding women on a public channel has a greater impact than you think and the possibility of being misinterpreted." Jonghyun explained, "The terms 'muse' and 'blessing' weren't just intended for women but included their very being.

Due to this controversy, Jonghyun wrote on his Instagram on the 11th, "I'm not a misogynist and I never said anything that degraded women." The singer also wrote on his Twitter,  "I don't mean that [women] are below me by saying that they are a celebrated existence and that they serve as an inspiration to me. The subjects of inspiration exists irrespective of rank [between man and woman]."

작은일에 크게 반응하지 말아야한다고 생각하고 살고있습니다.그리고 나의 잘못을 지적하는 사람들의 시선이나 생각들을 정확히 이해하고 틀린 나의 생각을 고쳐나가는게 배우는 삶의 기본이라고 생각해요. 제가 이글을 올리는 이유는 어머니와 누나를 가족으로 둔 한 남자로써, 제가 여성혐오자라던지 여성비하발언을 했다는 이야기가 돌고있기 때문입니다. 그것은 사실이 아니며, 그런 이야기가 돌고있다는 걸 인지한 상태에서 입을 닫고있는다면 어떤분들은 제가 여성혐오자라던지 여성비하발언을 한 사람으로 생각하고 그런 사람으로 굳어질수도 있는데, 그것은 제 인생에 있어서 너무나 큰 일이고, 돌이킬 수 없는 오점이 될것입니다. 전 여성혐오자도 아니고 여성비하발언을 한적 없습니다. 혹시나 저의 이야기가 누군가에게 불쾌감을 주었다면 어느 부분이었는지 정확히 알고 싶어서 이렇게 소통 합니다. 라디오에서 음악이야기를 하다 여성은 축복 받은 존재라는 이야기를 했고, 관련 발언은 연속하여 sns로 올리도록 하겠습니다. 관련 발언은 인스타그램으로는 연결방법을 몰라 트위터로 올리겠습니다.

A photo posted by @jonghyun.948 on

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