[ASKKPOP] Raina and Lizzy reveal Nana is really messy on 'Roommate'

Orange Caramelrevealed their dorms on 'Roommate'!
The first episode of the variety showed the members before they went into the house they all shared. Orange Caramel had their own dorm apart from the otherAfter Schoolmembers, andLizzyandRainatook the chance to spill all ofNana's secrets!
Lizzycomplained, "The room is a mess. Nana unni's things have been there for a week. They don't move." Like Lizzy had said, Nana's shoes and clothes were all over the dorm.Rainaalso revealed, "Nana doesn't flush after using the toilet. Also, she doesn't wear any underwear when she sleeps."
To this, Lizzy joked, "That's good, the ratings will go up."