Psy and rock band Aerosmith's vocalist Steven Tyler collaborate!

Psyrecently became the first Korean artistto grace the coverof Italy's 'L'uomo Vogue', and in his interview with the magazine, Psy revealed that he andAerosmith'sSteven Tylerhave collaborated in the studio.
Psy shared, "Steven Tylerfinished recording," revealing that he and the vocalist of the legendary rock band have already finished recording the new song.The "Gangnam Style" singer also mentioned that the new song may be available in November, and that he's always been a huge fan of Aerosmith. Aerosmith is a five-member American band that debuted back in 1970 that still holds the record for the American band with the most music sales, having sold over 150 million copies worldwide.
The two of them first met in Singapore at theSocial Star Awards, which took place in May. They have yet to reveal when their collaborative song will be released, but stay tuned to find out!