[ASKKPOP] Pandagram apologizes for Pritz's armband controversy + reveals they will not be making any modifications

Pandagram representatives explained through an official statement, "We used the armband to express Pritz's ambition and strong willpower. The meaning of the 'X' symbol and the arrows is that they are branching out in every direction in terms of communication and unity."
Pandagram apologized for the miscommunication, saying, "We apologize that it conjured the image of the Hakenkreuzsymbol for many people. However, there is no reason for us to support the Nazi Party with the Nazi symbol. We, too, dislike them."
However, they continued to state that they would not be modifying the Pritz logo and the armbands; "We believe that modifying [the armband] would seem as if we're saying that we did this for noisemarketing [when that was not our intention], and we believe that [to modify the armband] would mean to break off our willpower and ambition."
Pandagram concluded with, "We will show you Pritz's intention and will to resolve the misunderstanding regarding the armbands, and through more and more activities we will make it known that Pritz is not a 'Nazi Group'."
Netizens expressed their thoughts regarding the agency's response with the top comments reading, "Even before they started they failed... Just pack your bags", "Even in Germany, anyone who does anything related to the Nazi symbol can get arrested; in our country, which is still hurting from events in history as well, is there no one around you who could point this out or advise you about this?", "Just stop giving them attention, that's the answer", and more.