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[ASKKPOP] Netizen allegedly finds Choiza's wallet containing photos of f(x)'s Sulli

A netizen who says he's come across Choiza's alleged wallet is reigniting rumors that theDynamic Duomember andf(x)'sSulliare dating.

On June 24, a netizen posted the photo below under the title"Choiza's wallet picture."As you can see, the wallet in question contains Sulli's photo as well as sticker pictures of who looks to be Sulli and a man who has a strong resemblance to Choiza or possibly Choiza himself. 

His agencyAmoeba Culturehas commented,"We're currently looking into the matter of the lost wallet." SM Entertainment previously quelled rumors when it first surfaced with a video of the two holding hands by stating,"[Choiza] is only a sunbae who is like a brother to Sulli. They are not dating. Since they are close, they meet often."However this wallet photo has once again raised questions about the two.

From where it stands, the wallet could indeed be Choiza's or a netizen could be making things up by placing the photos in a random wallet, but then what of the sticker pictures?

What's your take on the gossip? 


[Update] - Amoeba Culture has released a statement. You can see what they have to say in the latest articlehere.