NU'EST's Aron makes 2nd apology for 'sexist' comments

Several days ago,NU'EST'sAron apologized for controversial commentshe made while chatting withChocolat'sTiaandLorionArirang's radio program 'Music Access.' Unfortunately, the furor did not end with his apology as many believed the apology was laced with sarcasm and was not sincere.
During the radio program, listeners took issue with his statements that "guys make better friends than girls"and in another comment seemed to imply that a woman's only worth was in being good looking. This overall conversation stirred up a lot of controversy, so Aron took to Instagram to upload a message addressing the issue. Unfortunately, the message seemed insincere and sarcastic to many fans and Aron continued to receive criticism.
In response to the continued scolding, Aron posted tohis Instagramagain, this time a much more heartfelt apology.
after reflecting upon myself for the past few days, I realize what I said was very wrong. I apologize to anyone who was hurt my words, it was never my intention. I will definitely think before I speak from now on. I apologize to the fans that were hurt, and to the fans who continuously showed me their love and support. I also apologize if my last apology seemed sarcastic... that's not how I meant to express myself. I hope you guys accept my apology and forgive me for my mistakes. please don't degrade my members because of my mistakes... if you want to take your anger out, go ahead and take it out on me. again, I'm sorry and I will work hard to become a better person. I love all of you, and hope you all have great days! #nuest#aron#apology
For those displeased with the first apology are you satisfied that Aron is properly contrite? Do you accept this apology?