NU'EST's Aron clears the air on his 'sexist' comments

Recently,NU'EST'sAronmade some comments while chatting withChocolat'sTiaandLorionArirang's radio program 'Music Access.' A controversy began as people claimed his words to be sexist.
Both girls talked about how they preferred having guy friends because they did not like gossiping or tended to be more tomboyish. In response, Aron stated around 14:58 in the above video, "That's why guys are like superior . . . To be fair guys, in my opinion, this is my opinion, guys, don't take it offensively or anything, but I think guys make better friends than girls." It appeared the disclaimer was ineffective.
The Chocolat girls immediately agreed. He continued, saying girls were hot, cool, pretty, and good to look at, but they liked gossip a lot and he heard they acted like friends when they were not. Again, the Chocolat girls agreed. Aron then brought out the topic of the "bro code" among men.
Then the Chocolat members said that guys actually gossiped more than girls, which Aron denied. This overall conversation stirred up a lot of criticism, so Aron took to Instagram to upload a message addressing the issue:
"just postin a random photo to clear some things out. first off, I apologize to anyone who was offended by my comment. I am in no way, shape, or form a sexist, and never will be. I love women, all the power to you. but there are quite a few people misinterpreting what I meant and taking my words out of context. take the time to listen to the recordings. if you did, you'd probably know I was joking and that I was talkin about FRIENDSHIP, not sexism. like I said, those words weren't meant to hurt anyone or target a specific group/gender, and I'm sincerely sorry if they did. so quit the fightin, stop bashin on each other, and live your lives. cuhs imma keep livin mine. life is too short to be fussin over little things like this. just some of my insight. hope y'all have a good night ! #nuest#aron#apology#sorry#donttakemywordsoutofcontext#notasexistandneverwillbe [sp]"
[Thanks to everyone who sent this in.]