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Musicians old and new play for Park

Musicians old and new play for Park

Today is not just a big day for President-elect Park Geun-hye, but some performing artists. Musicians and performers from different genres, including Psy, left, will be performing at the inauguration ceremony. Here is part of the lineup: (From top to bottom, left to right) JYJ, Yang Bang-ean, Insooni,Choi Jung-won, Brave Fellows, Kim Duk-soo, Ahn Suk-seon, Kim Young-im andJo Sumi. [JoongAng Ilbo]

The performances at Park Geun-hye's inauguration ceremony today are basically a historical survey of Korea's pop and culture scene from the 1950s to the present.

Musicians and performers will be singing popular songs from the past six decades. Traditional musicians will also take the stage.

"The celebratory performances will seek to embrace all generations of Korea and integrate the different times", the committee managing the event said in a press release. "Performers will sing representative songs from different periods, and we will also showcase video that reflects different times, ranging from the foundation of the country to the present day".

Notable names in the lineup include Kim Duk-soo, a renowned traditional musician. Best known for samulnori (percussion performed on four instruments called the kkwaenggwari, the jing, the janggu and the buk), Kim will kick off the day with a solo set on the taepyeongso, a Korean oboe.

Singers like Mr. Brass and Jang Yoon-jung will get the older members of the crowd singing along with hits from the '50s and '60s such as "Master Sergeant Kim from Vietnam" and "Man in a Yellow Shirt".

Musical stars Nam Kyung-joo and Sonya bring in the spirit of the '70s and '80s with "Whale Hunting" and "Let's Go on a Trip".

Rounding out the century, boy band JYJ will sing "I Know" bySeo Taiji& Boys, a legendary band from the '90s. JYJ will also sing the popular chant song from the 2002 FIFA World Cup co-hosted by Korea and Japan, "Oh Pilseung Korea (Victorious Korea)". The national team made great strides in the Cup and 2002 has a special place in the national memory.

The present state of pop music will be represented by, who else, Psy, who will break out his hits "Champion" and "Gangnam Style" to wrap up the performances before the actual ceremony. There is a very high probability of a lot of horse dancing going on among what's forecast to be a crowd of 70,000.

The ceremony itself will also be a who's who of Korea's performance scene.

Award-winning sopranoJo Sumiand baritone Choi Hyun-soo (also known as Hans Choi) will sing the national anthem together, while "Arirang Fantasy", a reinterpretation of the national folk song by Korean-Japanese pianist, composer and producer Yang Bang-ean will be performed by four of the nation's biggest divas.

Their genres run the gamut: Ahn Suk-seon is a master of traditional narrative singing called pansori and intangible cultural property No. 23; Insooni is one of Korea's most beloved singers;Choi Jung-wonis a musical star; and Nah Youn-sun is a widely respected jazz vocalist. How the four combine their respective genres has been the subject of much speculation.

Meanwhile, a band that rose to stardom from an audition program - Ulala Session - chose not to perform at the ceremony as its remaining members are mourning the recent loss of vocalistLim Yoon-taek.

Music and dance is certainly a good way to appeal to the public.

Last year, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Korean Studies Advancement Center conducted a survey regarding the cultural DNA of Koreans. The ministry finalized the ten attributes of Koreans, and said one of the most notable attributes was heung - which roughly translates as an inclination to dance and sing or perform and entertain in some way, basically, an energetic and joyful mood. There will certainly be a lot of heung in the air today.

By Kim Hyung-eun [[email protected]]

한글 관련 기사

박근혜 대통령 취임식, 축하공연은 누가

박근혜 제18대 대통령의 취임식이 7만여 명이 참석한 가운데 25일 오전 서울 여의도 국회의사당에서 열린다. 특히 이날 취임식에는 '강남스타일'로 월드스타로 떠오른 가수 싸이가 축하무대에 오른다.

24일 대통령취임준비위원회에 따르면 이날 취임식에는 특별초청 인사 3000명과 일반인 3만5000명 등 총 7만명이 참석한다. 이는 이명박 대통령 취임식 당시보다 2만여 명 늘어난 수치다.

취임식은 식전행사와 본행사로 나뉘어 진행된다. 오전 9시20분부터 시작되는 식전행사는 '개그콘서트' 팀의 사회로 김덕수 사물놀이패 등의 공연이 펼쳐지고, 1950년부터 현재까지 각 시대상을 반영하는 영상을 배경으로 '강남스타일' 등 시대별 대표곡을 부른다.

박 당선인이 국민대표 30명과 입장하면 본행사가 시작된다. 취임식은 국민의례, 국무총리 식사, 취임선서, 의장대 행진 및 예포 발사, 당선인 취임사, 축하공연 순이다. 소프라노 조수미·바리톤 최현수 씨가 애국가를 부르며, 국악인 안숙선 명창·가수 인순이·뮤지컬 배우 최정원·재즈가수 나윤선 씨가 '아리랑'을 재해석해 부른다. 이어 박 당선인이 이명박 대통령을 환송한 뒤 중앙통로로 행진하면서 본행사는 끝난다.

한편 취임식 전날인 24일 행사출연진 1400여명 대부분이 참석한 가운데 최종 리허설이 열렸다. 특히 박 당선인이 입장하는 부분과 본행사가 끝나고 박 당선인이 이명박 대통령을 환송하는 장면에서는 대역이 등장해 실제상황을 연출하기도 했다. 다만 가수 싸이는 일정 때문에 이날 최종 리허설에 불참했다. 최종리허설이 진행된 국회의사당 주변은 이날 오전부터 경호원들이 자리를 잡고. 외부인의 출입을 차단했다. 폭발물 탐지견도 곳곳에서 목격됐다.

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