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MC Mong and cast of ‘Infinity Challenge’ and ‘Running Man’ pay respects to Byul’s father

MC Mong and cast of ‘Infinity Challenge’ and ‘Running Man’ pay respects to Byul’s father

MC Mong, as well as the members of ‘Infinity Challenge‘ and ‘Running Man‘ visitedByul‘s father’s wake.

MC Mong andHaHahave been friends for more than 10 years, strengthening their friendship through various programs they participated in together. Even though MC Mong had been keeping low since two years ago due to the controversy surrounding military enlistment, he rushed to HaHa’s father-in-law’s wake on the 15th as soon as he heard the news. He paid his respects, comforted HaHa and Byul shortly before quietly leaving.

Yoo Jae Sukalso attended the wake and stayed for over 3 hours, greeting others in HaHa’s place.GilandGarywere the first ‘Infinity Challenge’ and ‘Running Man’ members to pay their respects, andPark Myung SooandJung Jun Harushed over immediately after their schedules, with other members coming to offer their condolences later on as well.
