[ASKKPOP] 'M! Countdown' addresses EXO-L and VIP's concerns regarding the faulty online voting system this week

One source of controversy came about due to the online voting that takes place before this week's episode.EXOfans andBig Bangfans sent in their votes, and EXO fans believed that they had the lead when the voting closed. However, it turns out the voting didn't close at the scheduled time of 9:00 AM KST like it was supposed to, which resulted in votes to continue streaming in, changing up the numbers.
EXO had been leading right up to the closing at 9 AM according to fans, but after 9 AM, EXO-Ls saw the percentage of votes for EXO drop while Big Bang's rose. This led to outcry, accusingMnetof perhaps showing favoritism to Big Bang, but Mnet has explained that it wasn't favoritism, it was a glitch.
A rep from the music program responded,"It's true that the voting window remained open even past 9AM. However, the tally was taken at 9AM, so the numbers you saw after that time on the homepage is not reflected in the actual voting result. This is the first time such an error has occurred regarding the closing of the votes, so we will be more cautious in the future."