Lizzy asks 'Hello Stranger' foreign cast members if she would be considered pretty outside of Korea

Lizzy first askedFrankif he would be considered as good looking in Congo and truthfully admitted that it was hard for her to differentiate each person.
Frank then answered, "Honestly, in Congo, I am considered good looking," and added that everyone has different features in Africa, especially their nose shapes.
ThenJulien Kangasked out of curiosity, "What's the first thing that Africans look at in terms of facial features?" to which Frank answered saying that people in Africa would prefer women with curves while gesturing it with his hands. He then added, "Girls with a big butt."
After a brief talk about what men in Congo would prefer in women, Frank asked Lizzy,"Are you considered pretty in Korea?"
Lizzy answered confidently that she is definitely considered as one of the prettier girls in Korea and asked in return,"Would I be considered as pretty in different countries?"
However, Frank gave a rather negative response and said, "If I'm being honest, your face is fine, but your body has a problem," agitating Lizzy.
Then, to comfort Lizzy, Julien Kang stepped in and said, "You would be considered as pretty in Canada." He also added that while Koreans would judge people's faces with specific features, in Canada, it was more important to have overall balanced features.
Vernonwas also added to the conversation as he revealed, "Americans would prefer women who are voluptuous. But Asians are also popular."
Kangnamthen said, "It's because of porn," drawing out laughter from the members while Lizzy was taken aback by Kangnam's bold statement.
However, Vernon corrected Kangnam and said that it was because men find charms in Asian women that are different from American women.
Check out the segment above!