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Lee Jeong-jin promises marriage with Yoon Ah-jeong

Lee Jeong-jin promises marriage with Yoon Ah-jeong

Lee Jeong-jinfinally fell for the girl who wanted him and only him. He promised her marriage.

MBC weekend drama "A Hundred Year's Inheritance" showedKim Joo-ri(Yoon Ah-jeong) trying to kill herself in front of Lee Se-yoon (Lee Jeong-jin).

Joo-ri found out that he didn't feel the same way about her previously and laid low. She fell into the river and said, "I thought of dying since my life without you is meaningless. It's better than being tortured in front of you when you don't pay attention to me".

Se-yoon said, "Let's start over" as he hugged her. They became a thing. However, Se-yoon is misunderstood about the woman whom he actually loves, Min Chae-won (Yoo Jin) sold him out and used his name to receive a bribery. This was all a set up by Joo-ri but he didn't know this and accepted her into his life.

Se-yoon's father just happened to be hospitalized as his health detoriated. Se-yoon agreed with his father to get engaged.

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