[ASKKPOP] Kim Soo Hyun to continue as the handsome face of 'Lemona'

The renewed contract will mark Kim Soo Hyun's second year as 'Lemona's exclusive model. 'Lemona' first selected Kim Soo Hyun as their model in 2014, while beginning its marketing campaign that promised to protect women's skin with the catchphrase, "To bring you beauty." The product's popularity carried over to China, where it was selected as a Korean brand that the Chinese love.
A rep from Kyung Nam Pharmacy Co. stated, "Last year 'Lemona' was not only popular domestically but was also popular with the Chinese tourists, exceeding the expected outcome. We started filming last week and plan to showcase various marketing campaigns for the next year."
It comes as no surprise that Kim Soo Hyun has been selected yet again to represent the product, as the actor is immensely popular not only in Korea but China as well!