[ASKKPOP] JYP Nation and fans wish GOT7's Jackson a happy birthday

It's March 28 in Korea, meaning it's the 20th birthday forGOT7'sJackson!
JYP Nationwished him a happy birthday by tweeting a special picture of him and writing,
HAPPY B-DAY JACKSON@GOT7Official3월 28일#GOT7잭슨 생일 축하합니다♥GOT7 Jackson's B-day! Congrats♥#WildandSexyJacksonDaypic.twitter.com/WQG9Qrlar9
— JYPnation (@jypnation)March 27, 2014
They also included the hashtag "#WildandSexyJacksonDay," which was one of the three hashtags trending worldwide on Twitter today. The other two hashtags were "Happy Birthday Jackson" and "HBD Jackson," so make sure you join in and wish him a happy birthday via Twitter!
Tip: got7fan