[ASKKPOP] If you want to become like BTS or Kangnam, audition to join a global idol group by In Hi Media Huace Media Group and Signal Entertainment!
China's top media companies,InHiMediaandHuace Media Groupalong with Korea'sSignal Entertainmenthave formed a joint partnership and are looking for talented aspiring idols who are interested in becoming an idol to debut in China and Korea.
Theauditionwill be held onNovember 5atRowland Heights Community Center in California,and you can either register directly at the site of the audition or you can also send in a demo video via email (click here to email) with information including your name, age, and where you currently reside.
This is the first audition that Signal Entertainment is holding in the U.S. in hopes of creating a Chinese-Korean American idol group to be trained and produced by Signal Entertainment's subsidiary labels Jungle Entertainment/Big Hit Entertainmentand will debut simultaneously in China and Korea.
Signal Entertainment, not only houses talented artists and actors such asSong Seung Hun,KimJaeWook,BTS,M.I.B,KangnamandPOTEN, they also produced currently running variety shows such as 'Please Take Care Of My Refrigerator' and 'Voice Korea.' ProducerBang Shi Hyuk, the founder ofBig Hit Entertainmentand BTS, is also a part of Signal Entertainment as the director and producer.
For detailed information on the audition, check out their event Facebook pagehere or Signal Entertainment's official pagehere.