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Girl’s Day’s Yura and Minah join the Anipang craze

Girl’s Day’s Yura and Minah join the Anipang craze

Girl’s Day‘sYuraandMinahhave joined theAnipangmobile gaming app craze!

Oh the 24th, Yura tweeted, “Ah, I could have gotten 300,000 with 5 more points! T.T Apparently, there’s a celebrity Anipang contest. Should I participate? >.< hehehe.” Minah posted afterwards, “Anipang is the trend these days, right?! There’s supposedly a contest. Should I try out?

The two Girls’ Day members added photos with their phones, showing their game scores.

Fans responded, “I can’t go over 100,000 points. How do you do it?“, and ”A celebrity Anipang contest? I’ll cheer you on“.