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Girl's Day's Yura admits she felt embarrassed about her revealing scene in the "Female President" MV

Girl's Day'sYura didn't seem shy on showing her assets in the "Female President" MV, but she revealed that she had no idea that her seemingly revealing outfit in its entirety would be shown.

Yura shared in an interview,"At our showcase, I was surprised when the staff told me that I am one of the top-searched on real-time charts. I thought it was because of the satoori [colloquial accent] that I spoke with [on set] that day. I never imagined it was because of my scene in the music video."

"On the set of the music video, only the upper-half of my body was originally planned to be filmed. I didn't know that my bottom-half would show. It's true that it was embarrassing to see." 

Hyerialso commented,"It was a bit bittersweet that that part was so focused on."


The group's agency has since clarified that although it may seem like Yura's outfit was quite revealing, she was actually all covered up with full body tights - an explanation which not everyone believed. What are your thoughts on the scene and her outfit?