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Get Motivated to Move with LG's Smart Activity Tracker

Get Motivated to Move with LG's Smart Activity Tracker

LG's Smart Activity Tracker is lightweight and durable. Photo Credit:#

One of my favorite things to do is jog along the beautiful Han River in Seoul, but I've always wished there was a way I could push myself to get a better workout while I'm out there. Which is why I was excited to stumble uponnewsof LG's Smart Activity Tracker. This high-tech tracker looks like a cool wristband, but the simple exterior belies an impressive list of features including a GPS antenna and accelerometer.

When I run on the treadmill, it's easy to glance down and check how many kilometers I've covered and how much time remains before I need to book it out of the gym. It's a lot more difficult to try to calculate those numbers when I'm running outdoors. The concept behind the Smart Activity Tracker is brilliant because it's a portable device that can track much of that critical info wherever you are.

The demo product that was shown at the 2013 CES has GPS functionality and an accelerometer to measure activities like the number of steps you take. It pairs with your phone so you can change your playlist and get incoming call notifications on the swipeable touch screen display. How cool is that?

Get Motivated to Move with LG's Smart Activity Tracker

Sync the Smart Activity Tracker to share your fitness progress. Photo Credit:#

According to LG, you can sync workouts captured on the Smart Activity Tracker to your smartphone (compatible with both iPhone and Android) and keep a detailed record of all your workouts. Being able to see the number of calories I've burned and the progress I'm making toward my fitness goals would be a huge motivator for me. If you have a workout buddy or just want to show your progress to your skeptical friends, you can use the Smart Activity Tracker app to share that info easily.

This wristband isn't just for tracking workouts. You can comfortably wear it all day long as a pedometer and distance tracker. For people like me who love getting lost in the city but want to find my way back to the hidden gems I discover, the GPS is a great added benefit. Just sync the map of where you walked to your smartphone and you'll know exactly where that combination teahouse, techno lounge and Pororo shrine is.

LG may even add a heart rate monitor to the Smart Activity Tracker when the final product is released sometime this summer. Since it's important to keep your heart rate in your target heart rate zone when exercising, this would be a very welcome addition. So here's just one more reason why you should put those potato chips down and get moving in the New Year! We'll keep you updated on when LG will release the Smart Activity Tracker and other details like extra features.

Get Motivated to Move with LG's Smart Activity TrackerAbout the author by Anna Sohn

I'm a New Jersey girl with a lifelong fascination with Korea, my motherland. In 2011, I moved to Seoul and I've enjoyed living in this wired and fast-paced city ever since. I'm excited to share the latest tech and design developments I encounter in Korea and hope you enjoy the AT&D blog as much I enjoy writing for it!

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