[ASKKPOP] GP Basic's Zion and Amet don drill uniforms in comeback teaser images
A few days ago,GP Basicrevealed they would bemaking a comebackwith their 7th single in February! Now, two members,ZionandAmetrevealed new teaser images in which they are wearing what appear to be drill uniforms.
Through Zion'sTwitterand Amet'sTwitter, the girls wrote, "GB Basic's preparations for deployment are complete!! For two years, we clenched our teeth and practiced really hard to show a never-before-seen GP Basic, so look forward to it and give us lots of love ^-^," and, "The gradual revealing of GP Basic! Who's up next?"
Both pictures include the line, "The moment we waited for while harboring the light; we want to tell you our story."
Stay tuned for the other members' teaser images for this interesting concept. The single will be out on February 6!