[GIVEAWAY] Win tickets to Toronto's Hallyu North 2016 and see SHINee!
HeyShawolsin Canada and USA, do you want to seeSHINee?
It's confirmed that SHINee will be making their way to Canada for theHallyu North 2016
expo taking place onMay 6 and 7, 2016 at the Enercare Centre (Canadian Exhibition Place)in Toronto. This will be the group's first time performing in Canada and the first for an S.M.group ever to visit Toronto! SHINee will be making their special appearance on May 6th!
Hallyu North 2016 will not only host SHINee's special performance but will also feature a variety of YouTuber and celebrity influencers that are deeply embedded in K-Pop culture.
Names include:JREKML,MisterPopoTV,Jellybeannose,Dabit,Hayana(formerEvoL
member),Eden Park(formerLC9member), and many more to be announced!
Check outwww.hallyunorth.comfor more information about the event.Tickets are available at:www.hallyunorth.com/tickets
askkpopis working withHally North 2016to give one lucky Shawol a pair of tickets to go see the Expo!
What you have to do to win:
- FollowaskkpoponTwitter,likeallkpop'sFacebookpage, and followallkpop'sInstagram
- LikeHallyu North'sFacebookpage
- Like theshout out videoon top
- Comment below on why youhaveto see SHINee at the expo! (Spammers are disqualified)
- Because the expo is in Toronto, the giveaway is available only to USA and Canada residents.
- The giveaway will end in 1 week on April 8th, 2015.

Good luck!