[ASKKPOP] G-Friend reveals which girl group's concept they want to try out

G-Friendappeared onSBSpowerFM's 'Kim Chang Ryul's Old School' on January 28, whereSinBrevealed which girl group's concept she personally wanted to try out next.
When asked about their next album concept, they replied, "For now, we like our concept right now,"but mentioned hip hop and others. DJKim Chang Ryulpromised,"If you do a hip hop concept, I will invite you to our concert as guests."
Known to be the sassy and tough one of the group, SinB stated,"I want to try a bit of a strong, 'girl crush'-evoking concept. For example, I want to do something likef(x)would do."
Do you think they could pull off hip hop or girl crush concepts?