Epitone Project comments on working on Lee Seung Gi’s latest album, ‘Forest’
Indie musicianEpitone Projectshared his feelings on working onLee Seung Gi‘slatest album, ‘Forest‘.
Epitone Project stated,“I was surprised when I received the offer to work on Lee Seung Gi’s album at first. As it hadn’t been long since I released my own album, I wondered if the [process would be difficult], but the project was fun.”
He went on,“There’s lots of music that irritates the ear these days, and I was compatible with Lee Seung Gi in that we both wanted to create comfortable relaxing music that everyone could enjoy. In terms of this new album, I feel as if I was Lee Seung Gi’s assistant. I’m grateful that Lee Seung Gi likes my music, and becauseLee Sun Heesunbae directed the album, I feel like I learned a lot.”
In related news, ‘Forest’ has topped music charts for the past 14 days.