EXO-K reveal they were touched by Jung Hyung Don + pick their ideal partners from 'Infinite Challenge'

It appears thatJung Hyung Donis quite the man's man. Recently, he has been having alot of chemistrywithG-Dragonand now it appears he has shown a very attractive side toEXO-K, as well.
EXO-K recentlyhad a photo shootfor magazine 'High Cut.' During their interview, the boys revealed one instance when they ran into Jung Hyung Don.
SEE ALSO:EXO-K get active in their puffer jackets for 'High Cut'
MemberSuhosaid, "Without giving a notice, we visited the filming location of 'Infinite Challenge.' He remembered every single one of the twelve members' names and introduced us. Not only had he learned our names, he remembered each EXO members' characteristics."
EXO-K revealed that all of the EXO members had appeared on Jung Hyung Don andDefconn's 'Weekly Idol' before. Despite this short time for Jung Hyung Don and the boys to get to know each other, the former had managed to memorize all their names. The boys were touched by this.
When asked about their thoughts on appearing on 'Infinite Challenge,'KaiandSehunrevealed they were avid fans of the show, saying, "I watched 'Infinite Challenge' since the very first episode of their 'Reckless Challenge' days," and "It was an extremely priceless experience."
When asked who out of the 'Infinite Challenge Song Festival' they would pick to be partnered up with,Baekhyunsaid, "Yoo Jae Suk, who's good at disco," andChanyeolsaid, "Because I like rap and hip hop, I would pickGil, whom I admire."
D.O.pickedHaHa, saying that they would get along because they were both small. Sehun pickedPark Myung Soobecause he thought they would match well and it would be fun. Suho likewise chose Park Myung Soo, saying, "I think it'd be fun because he would treat me however he wanted."
Kai said, "If I want to win number one, then Yoo Jae Suk. If I want to entertain, then I choose HaHa as my partner."
If you had the choice, which 'Infinite Challenge' member would you choose for your partner?