EXO's Baekhyun, Chen, and D.O talk about confessing their feelings to the opposite sex

EXOappeared onKBS's radio program 'Lee So Ra's Music Plaza' on December 9 and talked about love confessions. On the show, DJLee So Raasked them, "Do you like to receive a love confession from a girl or to ask her out yourself?"
Baekhyun,D.O, andChensaid, "We like to ask the girl out. If you are a man, you must make the move."
DJ Lee So Ra then asked, "When was your last love confession? Did you succeed?"
Baekhyun responded, "I think it has been a couple years. My love confession was not successful. I don't think I'm attractive," while Chen replied, "Even if you confess your feelings, the success rate is not high. Even if you are expressive, the other party does not get it completely."
D.O, on the other hand, revealed to every fan girl's excitement, "I never really asked anyone out so I want to try it."
The DJ linked their words to EXO's latest song "Miracles In December," which is very emotional and romantic. She said, "I think the song is more sorrowful because of your experiences."
Baekhyun's doubts about his level of attractiveness is probably unfounded based on EXO's immense popularity! In addition, who might be the lucky girl to get a confession from D.O?