[ASKKPOP] Dohee's new Lolita-themed photo shoot garners criticism
Lolita must be the new craze these days... PhotographerRottashared pictures from a pictorial on Instagram on January 11, showingDoheemodeling in short shorts and revealing tops.
As this quickly became a hot topic online, pictures from her other photo shoots also started to flood online communities on January 12. There also came a flood of criticism stemming from the suspicion there was an intent to stimulate pedophilia by turning the image of a youthful girl sexually appealing through exposure.
Netizens online complained with,"Lolita cannot be allowed in any situation," "Do not use pedophilia under the pretense of art,"and more.
Rotta is a photographer who was known since 2010 to release a photo series of models who were actually adults, but looked like young girls. A lot of times, the pictures were very provocative, so Rotta was rarely able to shed off criticism for the Lolita concept. What are your thoughts?