Dara announces manager Jjangmae switching from 2NE1 to WINNER

Dara announced that2NE1's manager, nicknamed 'Jjangmae', has been transferred over to manageWINNER.
Shetweeted, "Huk.... I was watching 'WINNER TV', and found Jjangmae... It was 0.5 seconds, but I saw it... He should keep coming out.. I'm going to keep watching".
She continued towrite, "I can see familiar luggages.. It was true that Jjangmae was sharing my favorite places ㅠ.ㅠ Let me tell you. Jjangmae, who has been with us for the past four year, has left us to fly to our hoobaes. Cry.. Missing you.. Missing you Missing youuuuu..".
She finishedwith, "Ah, this is funny keke. Blackjacks, why are you so happy that Jjangmae left? kekekekeke. This is comedy... Maybe the target of 'Missing You' was actually Jjangmae? kekeke. Anyway, please love our lovely hoobaes WINNER, too ^_^ They're so young".
Good luck to Jjangmae, WINNER, and of course, Dara!