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D-UNIT’s Zin looks up to miss A’s Jia as her role model

D-UNIT’s Zin looks up to miss A’s Jia as her role model

In a interview withThe Star Chosun,D-UNIT‘sZinrevealed her role model is none other than fellow idolJiafrommiss A.

Zin shared,“Upon seeing the fashion sense of sunbaenim miss A’s Jia, I got inspired to go on a diet. I want to work out hard and also pull off the cool styles just like Jia sunbaenim.

D-Unit recently made a comeback withtheir new singleTalk to My Face“ along with the addition of new “borrowed” member,GP Basic‘sJaney(nowJNEY).

Check out the pictorial of the other members from the interview below.

D-UNIT’s Zin looks up to miss A’s Jia as her role model

D-UNIT’s Zin looks up to miss A’s Jia as her role model

D-UNIT’s Zin looks up to miss A’s Jia as her role model

Image(s): The Star Chosun
Tip: Andrew