Clara may be banned from professional baseball's first pitch ceremonies

Claramay be banned from Korea's professional baseball's ceremonies from now on.
Even though Claraapologizedfor her misconducts on 'SNL Korea', the public's gaze toward her hasn't changed much. In fact, by apologizing, she stirred up the situation even more because even though she previously denied that her statements were lies, she was now admitting her wrong by apologizing.
Amidst the clamor around Clara, the Korean professional baseball league has also changed their opinion of Clara. One of the representatives of the leaguesaid, "If Clara keeps going with this image, it'll be hard for her to have the first pitch at a professional baseball game."
While this may not mean much to others, Clara gained her recent extreme popularity last May during theDoosan Bears-LG Twinsgame with her leggings fashion. She'd become the icon of first pitches with her fashion.